Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Serenity - the film

Great film. Full of action and excitment, only gripe is that it is too short. For those who haven't seen the series it is based on called 'Firefly', I strongly suggest you go out and buy the DVD box set. You will NOT be disappointed and is actually better than the film.

I really hope they can manage a second series but there were some shocks in the film I can tell you. Not to spoil it for anyone though!

Been scanning some of the forums and man, there are some dedicated Firefly fans out there, they call themselves Browncoats I believe. Check em out on here and be amazed.

Also going through some more of my music collection, a good friend of mine got a video-iPod and am sure he is busy filling it with choice tunes. Can be addictive.

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