Friday, March 10, 2006

Hong Kong

God I love this place. We left the UK, it was bright and early and made our way to the airport. Got good seats and all but arriving mid-afternoon in Hong Kong we soon slipped back into the run of things. My octopus card still worked and even had my last trips (from 3 years ago) stored on it!

Pretty impressive.

The airport bus was quick, clean and speedy and we arrived at Luen Wo Hui and grabbed a taxi. We carried little in the way of personal luggage but had stuff for the new house.

Arriving at the new house, there was grandma. She looked older this time round and more tired too.

The new house was nice too but required a lot of furnishings. Hot water was not working and a host of smaller things but the house was sound.

Next few days had us running around buying stuff for the house - pretty boring stuff
really but necessary. We did find time to go out to Sai Kung and Kowloon for shopping and eating.

Weather was fantastic (at around 18 degress Centigrade) and was not humid at all. Very nice, if HK was like that all the time, I would love to move there.

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