Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Ach - what a week or two

The last three weeks have been a nightmare - after completing the move to the new office, things appeared to be ok but then rapidly went downhill. Devicecs and servers all started going wrong and before I knew it, we were under a lot of pressure to get it to work.

Socially, salsa has been great and I decided to try a new club/lesson. The new teacher is excellent and I am glad to have made the change.

My weekends are always busy and I seem to have little time to myself and now with the exam looming I need to prepare myself. Nothing like a bit of pressure to sharpen the mind.

I went to see Mark Eitzel last night in Shepards Bush - that was cool. A nice way to end a busy monday but it did mean that I got back very late and with an early morning start on tuesday, ach - am a bit bleary-eyed.

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