Thursday, June 08, 2006


Was placed on standy to assist in the Indonesia EQ and was due to leave on saturday 3rd June but work comittments on the 5th June meant that I had to withdraw; a bit upset over this as I was disappointed in not being able to go to Suriname. Now this. Our director has also decided on not reinforcing the team over in Indonesia. He wants to keep our powder dry for future deployments. The sitreps we are getting from the two in Yogokarta illustrate how much work they are doing there and now with Mt Merapi looking likely to erupt AND the threat of avian flu; I think they have their hands full.

I am helping out UK side and liasing with a whole bunch of people from the US and elsewhere. There appears to be a longer-term plan in working with GeoRSS feeds to distribute and syndicate our data more widely to more people. GoogleEarth and the forthcoming ArcGISExplorer are all exciting avenues for us to explore.

The current method of map distribution can be improved: I still have to manually ftp the files to the various organisations and it is slow. Much better for me to upload to our website and for clients and subscribers to get a continously updated feed.

More stuff to look into then.

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